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Sponsored Brands Search Term Report

The Sponsored Brands Search Term report provides sellers with a more comprehensive understanding of the specific search terms that drive conversions. This report allows sellers to identify and optimize the most effective search terms to improve the performance of their ad campaigns.

About The Report

The Sponsored Brands Search Term report provides sellers with a more comprehensive understanding of the specific search terms that drive conversions. This report allows sellers to identify and optimize the most effective search terms to improve the performance of their ad campaigns.

With this level of insight, sellers can make informed decisions about how to allocate their ad budgets and refine their targeting strategies to achieve better results.

What are the metrics available in Sponsored Brands Search Term Report?

Start Date
End Date
Portfolio Name
Campaign Name
Ad Group Name
Match Type
Customer Search Term
Click-Thru Rate (CTR)
Cost Per Click (CPC)
14-Day Total Sales
Total Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS)
Total Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)
14-Day Total Orders
14-Day Total Units
14-Day Conversion Rate

How is the Sponsored Brands report different from the Sponsored Products report?

In Sponsored Products campaigns, the only difference between broad match and phrase match terms is the word order. Phrase match terms keep the same word order as your original keyword target; broad match terms scramble the order.

However, in both cases, the search terms always contain the same words as the original keyword target.

For example, notice that in the following broad match target, all of the same keywords appear, just out of order:

Match Type
Customer Search Term
kids deodorant aluminium free
deodorant aluminium free for kids

This is not the case in Sponsored Brands campaigns. There, the broad match considers synonyms or related keywords when assigning search term targets.

Look at the example below:

Match Type
Customer Search Term
body deodorant for kids under 10
girls underarm roll on paraben free

Notice that the customer search term includes a completely different set of words from the original target. This can only happen in a Sponsored Brands campaign.

That difference is important to understand. In Sponsored Brands campaigns, Amazon might accidentally use the synonyms to surface your ad on unrelated search terms, which could add up to wasted spend.

How to avoid this? Use “Broad Match Modifier.”

If you want all your keywords to appear in the search term, you need to add pluses “+” in front of eachkeyword. This way your Sponsored Brands broad keyword would behave exactly like your Sponsored Products broad keyword.

How to Leverage the Reports

  1. Optimize your advertising campaigns. The Sponsored Brands Search Term report can help you identify the search terms that are working for you—and weed out the ones that are not.

    On one hand: negative keyword research can improve advertising campaigns by excluding irrelevant search terms, reducing wasted spend, and improving ROI.

    On the other: you can leverage the report to identify relevant and profitable search terms. Add them to your existing ad campaigns to drive impressions and revenue.
  2. Monitor shifts in consumer patterns and actions. Run the Sponsored Brands Search Term report to analyze customer patterns and purchasing behavior. Filter by ad spend and check for those keywords that are non-converting. You can then decide to either reduce the CPC for these keywords, or pause your spend altogether.

    Additionally, you can check for search terms with high conversion rates and add them to your campaigns to drive impressions and revenue. This also helps you bring down your ACOS.
  3. Optimize your product details pages for SEO. Take your list of relevant and profitable search terms, and optimize your product details pages accordingly. Add those same terms into your product titles, product descriptions, bullet points, product features, and so on.

    You can also add the search terms in your backend keywords, which would help your product relevancy and boost your organic traffic from those search terms.

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