Instacart Ad Optimization Platform

Empowering advertisers and agencies with robust ad optimization on Instacart, the leading online grocery platform in North America. Instacart partners with 55,000 stores across 5,500+ cities.

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Bid Management

Get Your Bid Management Under Control

Set your targets. Optimize bids at scale. Maximize return on your ad spend.


Simplified Reporting & Analysis

Accelerate performance diagnostics. Simplify reporting and analysis. Save time. Lead with confidence.

Performance Diagnostics

Troubleshoot Performance Rapidly. And Confidently

Troubleshooting performance can feel like a high-wire act. It’s nerve-wracking not knowing which lever to pull, but it doesn’t need to be. Intentwise makes the process quick and effective. Result: Your job gets a lot easier, AND you can lead with confidence.

Advanced controls. Top-notch tech.

Connect your accounts and start your 14-day free trial.