About The Report
The Amazon’s Vendor Central Market Basket Analysis Report is an important insights tool within Amazon’s reporting suite that provides data on what other products are purchased most frequently alongside your products. The focus on what items are purchased together in the same order is why the report is called a “Basket Analysis”. The Market Basket Analysis Report is available to both 1P and 3P Sellers that are part of Amazon Brand Registry.
Amazon’s Vendor Central Market Basket Analysis Report provides data at the ASIN level on the top 3 most popular products purchased at the same time. It also includes the Title of the ASIN and what % of orders included the other top purchased products. If the % of orders affiliated with a frequently purchased product is low then it might not be a valuable insight and those items may have low future purchase correlation. However if the % of orders is high, often considered at around 10% or higher, then you’ve uncovered a truly popular basket companion to your ASIN.