How well do you really know Walmart Sponsored Ads? Even if you actively advertise on the platform, you might be missing out on some critical nuances about placement options, performance data, and more.
Ahead of the Walmart Seller Summit, we built a contest to test your knowledge.
Think you know all of the nuances, limitations, and rules of Walmart Sponsored Ads? Or just want to brush up on your skills? Join us on August 22 for the chance to compete.
Alongside other industry leaders, you’ll answer over a dozen questions about Walmart Sponsored Ads that span difficulty levels. Winners get an exclusive prize.
Don’t worry—however you perform, you’ll come away an expert on Walmart Sponsored Ads. At the end of the contest, we’ll spend time breaking down the answers to all of these questions, and take questions from the audience.
This contest will be conducted directly on this page—press "Join Live Webinar" at the start time, and enter the stream. The actual question and answer will take place on the Kahoot! app. Simply download the Kahoot app on Apple or Android, or visit to join the game. You won’t have to turn on your camera or be on screen.
Want to participate? Be sure to register at the form below.