How Intentwise Sped Up Ad Optimizations for Walmart

For Search Nurture, optimizing accounts in Walmart Connect used to be tedious. With Intentwise, the process is as much as 6x faster.

Faster keyword optimizations
Hours per client account per week saved on reporting

How Intentwise helped:

  • Sped up the process of optimizing keyword bids by 3x to 6x, depending on the size of the account
  • Instantly sorted performance data by platform, placement, and other parameters, no downloading reports needed
  • Automatically piped Walmart Connect data into third-party dashboards for Search Nurture clients, saving 2 hours per client per week on reporting

The problem: 

Every week, Search Nurture needed to optimize the bids on its keywords in Walmart Connect. 

The issue was, using the Walmart Connect platform was painstaking. The agency needed to download reports manually, create pivot tables to see the keyword performance breakdown at the campaign level, and then notate by hand which bids it wanted to adjust up and down. 

Multiplied across all client accounts, it proved to be a time-consuming process. 

The solution: 

Since using the Intentwise Ad Optimizer for Walmart to manage its ads, these weekly tasks have become a breeze. Search Nurture no longer has to download any reports. With Intentwise automatically sorting through the data, optimization opportunities are easy to spot, and can be executed in seconds. 

Lauren Hart, Senior Retail Ads Account Manager at Search Nurture, used to spend as much as 2 hours per account optimizing ads. Switching to Intentwise was a breath of fresh air. “With Intentwise, we can probably do all of our optimizations in 20 minutes,” Hart said.  

Intentwise also makes it easier to optimize ads by placement type or by platform (e.g. desktop vs. mobile). Using Intentwise, Search Nurture can sort its performance and adjust its bids across a bunch of different parameters. 

“We can make all those changes in one screen versus having to go through the whole process of downloading a report for each one,” Hart said. 

Search Nurture also uses Intentwise Analytics Cloud to automatically pipe client data into third-party dashboard for its clients to see. That process now takes “zero minutes,” Hart said, and “the dashboards are a little more accurate because they aren’t updated once a week, they’re updated every day.” 

Lastly, for its clients that sell in physical Walmart stores, our in-store Walmart data enhances its view of performance. Now, Search Nurture can automatically track how many of its clients see a digital ad, but then check out in a physical store. 

It just gives Search Nurture a much sharper portrait of client performance.

“We can probably do all of our optimizations in 20 minutes.”
Lauren Hart
Senior Retail Ads Account Manager at Search Nurture

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