How Advantice Health Improved Walmart In-Store Revenue by 25%

Advantice Health encountered limitations while optimizing its campaigns in the Walmart console. Since switching to Intentwise, the company drove a 25% increase in in-store revenue.

In-store ad attributed revenue increase
Hours saved per week

How Intentwise helped:

  • Granular keyword insights and automated rules led to a 25% increase of in-store revenue since switching to Intentwise
  • Automatic data segmentation saved 3-4 hours per week downloading and creating reports
  • Gained efficiencies in CPCs, lowering overall CPC by 20%, allowing Advantice to maintain consistent investment levels

The problem:

Advantice Health—a consumer health company with 6 different brands—sells online and in physical Walmart stores.

 Walmart Connect was a natural advertising partner for Advantice, but tracking performance in the Walmart console wasn’t easy. 

To segment its performance by brand, for instance, the company needed to manually create reports one by one. The Walmart console turned simple actions—understanding performance, optimizing campaigns, and reporting budgets—into a time-consuming hassle.

The solution:

The Intentwise Ad Optimizer for Walmart helped Advantice immediately uncover what was working—and what wasn’t—in its Walmart account. Overnight, the company’s understanding of its performance sharpened. 

Ash McMullen, Advantice’s head of e-commerce, is now able to sort performance not just by brand or sub-brand but also by keyword, platform, placement, and more. 

Automated rules can be set from directly within the Intentwise platform, and our Recommendations engine identifies potential improvements in performance that McMullen can accept or reject in a single click. 

“We can learn what the campaigns are doing and optimize them a lot faster than using just the Walmart console,” McMullen said. Overall, McMullen guessed that she was saving 3-4 hours per week with Intentwise.

Jake Lukens, an Advantice advertising partner, mentioned that Intentwise’s automatic keyword harvesting allows him to quickly identify high-performing keywords, then ramp up the spend with a keystroke.

Combined with other Intentwise features, like our automatic summaries of the biggest changes in impressions or CPCs, Advantice has started racking up advertising wins. Lukens said he was able to increase in-store revenue by 25% for AmLactin since switching to Intentwise—all without changing the spend level. 

Plus, our in-store sales attribution for Walmart has allowed Advantice to see the full picture of its ad campaigns. Advantice can view its split of branded, category, and competitor targeting performance to help drive further optimizations.

“Knowing the allocation of investment driving in-store and online sales has helped us be able to better meet our retailer goals,” McMullen said.

“We can learn what the campaigns are doing and optimize them a lot faster than using just the Walmart console”
Ash McMullen
Head of E-Commerce, Advantice Health

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