AMS Report Enhancement

AMS Report Enhancement


Recently Amazon released a new UI enhancement where you can download campaign level aggregate data for the past 60 days with some level of data segmentation. The field will appear at the top right of the screen and is a dropdown field called “Date Range”.

The options for download that are available are listed below. This enables users to download data dating back up to 60 days.

AMS Report Download Range

The downloaded data is always the aggregated data between the date range that is chosen. For example, if you need to download data by day you would have to choose either “Yesterday”, or use the “Customized” date with one date in both the fields. You cannot download by date segmented data at any given point of time.

This enhancement is definitely a good addition to AMS users and will help with some of the reporting aspects.

Read our post “Avoid these common Amazon Advertising pitfalls” for learnings and insights on how you can save time and optimize Amazon Advertising.


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